“Learning to Say ‘No’ with Patricia Grotenhuis – Vision, Concussion, & Family Life”

Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome:  Patricia’s Journey of Healing and Recovery

Patricia Grotenhuis is a sixth-generation farmer, living in Wellington County, Ontario. She works alongside her husband on their dairy farm every day and they enjoy sharing that life with their four active boys. Needless to say, she has her hands full, especially on the back of a global pandemic.

In this podcast, she tells the story of how a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Vision Syndrome was pivotal to her healing process. She shares her journey with Vision Therapy and tells us how it helped her symptoms, and describes how she has navigated memory and personality changes post-concussion.

Patricia describes how her life has been impacted by her injury and the role of mindset in healing and recovery. Patricia stays hopeful and reminds us that you don’t have to change your whole life because of an injury.

She gives us some pearls of wisdom for parents: rest when you can, learn to say no, and ask your older kids to help you.

Lastly, she talks about the influence of the pandemic on her life in recovery and she offers us a word of advice: stay positive! At some point, it will get easier.


“Learning to Say ‘No’ with Patricia Grotenhuis – Vision, Concussion, & Family Life”, The Post Concussion Podcast – Life After A Brain Injury, Retrieved 22 July 2021. <https://www.postconcussioninc.com/podcast/patricia-grotenhuis>.